Wizard Fart and Dialogue updates

Updates to start in regular fashion again here! I took a short break to join the Pirate Software gamejam and make a silly SFW game entry called "Wizard Fart" which you can play in your browser here: https://ameripon.itch.io/wizard-fart

It's shitty fun!

Now I didn't just stop development during all of that, I have a handful of playtesters that have given me great feedback on the game and I was organizing and thinking through the issues and questions about game play that they had brought up during my break. Once Wizard Fart released I jumped back in and started working through the feedback.

The biggest change that has come from it so far has been the way the camera and dialogue interaction now works in flatscreen mode. The player no longer has full 360 degree camera movement while seated. This is intentional so that the player's focus remains on the NPC and there isn't much to look at around the player. The camera movement is no longer based on the center of the screen like an FPS but now follows the cursor which has been brought back into view so that the player can select items they want to interact with on the table easily. The items now follow the cursor and its much more intuitive.

The change also allows me to move the dialogue choices to the bottom center of the screen. It's now easy for the player to just select the dialogue choices from the bottom of the screen and when the mouse hovers the buttons the camera rotates to face the NPC so that they are the focus of the conversation.

You'll also notice in the video another big change, the environment and lighting. Early feedback was that the game was too dark. Something I neglected to consider once I added all the background NPC's. You can now see an outline of the restaurant and the scene is brighter overall. I think this change was for the better, it makes it less about having dinner in a void and more like you are in the environment, albeit you are still isolated and the size of the restaurant isn't clear.

The final update is regarding the sex scenes as the dildo was static when inserted. It just followed the animation and wasn't realistic at all. I'm happy to say that now the dildo properly moves when inserted. No more static dildos! Hooray!

Plenty of little bug fixes also went into this latest push. Before this next update goes out, I think I'll finish putting in the rest of the story dialogue as she has quite a lot of conversation that still needs to be filled in. As well as a tease for the next character in the game!

She's already modeled but any guesses based on this early texture map!?

You can join the discord and join a small handful of super early alpha testers and help shape the future of the game here:


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