First Playtest Build!

We've done it lads! 

First test build is out to a select few testers and I plan on digesting all their gameplay feedback over the next few weeks. It's taken a bit, but only because I spent a lot more time refactoring and expanding the code to more easily handle "Sidequests" in the game. These are basically, sequences you need to complete to progress the story.

For example, in the opening portion of the dialogue, you are tasked with raising a glass to toast your date. This triggers a Sidequest where you need to pick one of the glasses on the the table and clink it with her glass in order for the story to progress.

There are currently only two Sidequests in the game, but the framework for building and expanding more is now in place. It is now just a matter of crafting unique tasks for the player to do; Pouring wine, salting a steak, feeding the girl, anything is possible and relatively easy to setup with the new Sidequest system.

I also have built out an animation system that I can call on certain dialogue entries and have her play a particular animation on cue. This will be useful when I add even more animations for excited, playfulness, sad, happy etc. Right now she has several situational animations for giggling, waving, and crossing her arms. These are different than the animations that are used in sidequests, sex animations or the eating and drinking animations.

The lipsync is in the game but as the text is not final I have not put effort into getting voice over lines into the game. There are a few quips she makes that are in the game already when you hit her with objects, but they aren't hooked into the lipsync system yet.
In short, this version has the full gameplay loop, you can speak with her and go through all the dialogue options, unlock the H scene and unlock various "Unlockables" (Though those have yet to be implemented into the game. Gotta design some new clothes and toys!) Once the Sex scene is unlocked you can switch to that scene and she has a ton of animations already in the game.

I have tried each scene in VR, but I haven't had a chance to try the full gameloop with VR yet. I'm pretty sure there are still a lot of broken things with the VR version. My first priority is testing the flatscreen version to see if it's even fun, what needs to change or what I need to focus on more. VR is already a lot of fun, so if I can make the flatscreen version compelling the VR one will knock your socks off.

Anyway that is it for now, if you are interested in joining a small handful of playtesters I'm starting my discord to keep things organized and get feedback. Thanks!
Discord link here:

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