Dick on a plate

Let's get the dick on a plate outta the way first shall we?


I took a week break from development of this game to participate in the NSFW Gamejam #6 hosted on itch. There I submitted the game Dicksnake which you can play in your browser here:

It's a silly little game about the mobile game Snake, but adapted to be NSFW! You will also notice the model in the game is the same as the model that is blacked out in the start menu. So it wasn't a complete stoppage of Cyrano development as I can now bring that updated model into this game! Woo!

Now that we got that funny little business outta the way let's talk updates and what has been going on!
If you'll notice from the picture above, this is indeed taken from VR mode. These are the default hand assets so they don't move or interact with the objects in the scene in a believable way and I'm not a big fan of the lasers shooting out but for phase 1 it will work!

I have reworked the menu's so now they all work within the game view, no giant floating overlays or anything like that. Eventually the pleasure and speed slider you can see in the picture above (Which is exclusive to the flatscreen version) will somehow be worked in more subtly into the game. The start menu has also been reworked so that the menu select and any options or setting I plan to add in the future, will all be found within the pages of the menu. I quite like the book in Blade in Sorcery and how they handled the UI menu's so I've taken inspiration from that.

The menu works in both flatscreen and VR mode and works with the unlock system of the dialogue tree as well! So as you progress through the conversations with Roxanne or one of the other girls, depending on which tree you go down, you will unlock certain H scenes, toys or outfits for the girls. These are saved as well, so exiting the game and coming back the scenes will remain unlocked. I may add an option in the future for the player to reset all these flags, its quite an easy addition to make if needed.

Visually, I've added some placeholder tables in the background, these will be properly lit later and have some NPC's eating and chatting in the background to further sell the ambiance of the restaurant. I plan to also add a chandelier above the table and maybe some grand windows in the distance, but nothing that would show the edges of the room, just visual hints that you are in a large restaurant with other people around.

I'll leave you with three videos the first is a quick view of the new intro and menus in flatscreen view:


The next is the same run through but in VR view


And finally the last is a VR view of the Sex scene and some of the interactions (You will be able to grab the boobs and ass they just have yet to be enabled.)


As this last video is the main reason behind the game, its important to note they character interactions are not yet finished. There is still a lot of dynamic movement and interactions I plan to introduce to make it more fun for VR users and Flatscreen players alike.

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